June 20, 2012
Mike Dion
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“Balancing and enhancing the environment where you find yourself today is one of the best ways to energize and manifest your goals, hopes, and dreams for the future.”


Beauty and aesthetics are highly personal and subjective. As much as art, furniture and anything decorative, which fills peoples lives and homes. Many of us love to make our home personal and cozy, while others disregard decoration as wasteful and unnecessary.

My prior business name – ART CURATES LIFE – underlines my deep knowing that the way we live and what we surround ourselves with influences our state of mind, that it affects our health, our relationships, and our overall livelihood. It reflects who we are, and who we may become as a human being.

So what makes for good art, beautiful decor and an inviting home? Is it all about taste?
How do we fulfill the need for harmony and balance? Feng Shui suggests by following our intuitive human need to dwell in a space which combines the 5 basic elements making up all of life: Earth, Wood, Water, Fire and Metal

Our culture is concerned with energy, “good vibes”, “don’t be negative” – by now almost all of us have heard of “the secret”. Yet are we connecting the dots to our surroundings?

I recently re-read Terah’s book, and this time a whole new world of understanding and aha -moments occurred to me. There are guidelines to follow, exercises to open your “feng shui eyes” and then applying it all to your own place. Terah helps you develop sensibility towards the energy in your space. Let me give you quick excerpt:

“Alive, connected, and dynamic….Feng Shui views your home or workplace as a living entity that you are either in harmony or in discordant partnership with. When you honor its aliveness, recognize its vital connection with the quality of your entire life, and make the changes that keep it fresh and alive, it remains a delightful place to be.”

Pick up the book and enjoy – I hope this will inspire you to further enhance your space and your life!